@NEXON_KR 즐(겁고) 불 (타는)금(요일)되세요!! ......
@NEXON_KR 즐(겁고) 불 (타는)금(요일)되세요!! .....
Consider a situation where a particular culture is of wide benefit to the people of the world. No matter the times, or the culture, there were hidden experts to lead that culture according to the right standard. Upholding the will of the ancient teachers and sages of the past, to continually research and develop in the present, and to pass along the teaching to the follow-on students and propagate the benefits to the people in the future. So when the people who have studied the most and invested time from the past through the present toward tomorrow are leading that culture, only then will progress continue, for self purification effect to be of great benefit to the world.
Despite the ancient history of Daoyin, recognition of Daoyin in our modern industrialized society is still unfamiliar, such that expert educational system and methodology for Daoyin could not be presented, as were the differences from other kinds of training and exercise being unclear. Modern times are the age of expertise, led in each area of the society by people who have been expertly trained. It is time for the field of Daoyin to walk in the same path.

Unique to the field of mind & body training like Daoyin, rather than being judged on the merits of the training for competence or expertise, there have been other factors which come into play. Such people who so insist rely not on the depth of training, but simply insist on the uncertain authority of the training method they happen to be involved in, without specific training methods, or knowledge of the cause-and-effect relationship between the movements and internal energy management. Putting forward the vanished teachers of previous generations to conceal their shallow skills, or relying on their social status and authority unrelated to the training methodology, yet going no further than the simple repetition of external movements. For training, there must be progressive presentation of the training methodology and instructional techniques according to the level of the trainee and the phase of training, but being unable to present such phases, insists on repetition of the basic levels, often very far removed from perfection. Whereby, have brought very negative results to the training culture in general, and to the people who have been so trained.

A chef must, above all else, be good at cooking.
English teachers should, above all else, speak good English.
A painter ought, above all else, to be able to draw well.
A person who teaches Daoyin must first be an expert who is proficient in Daoyin.

Daoyin is an interpretive art which unlocks the secrets of the human body in movement, and an expert field for training.
Daoyin is, above all else, a study to be perfected in practice, and acquired firstly by experiencing with the body.
Daoyin Research Group is an expert Daoyin organization which studies and teaches Daoyin.
All Daoyin Research Group members are grounded in Daoyin as experts, proudly dedicated to the research and education of Daoyin.