@NEXON_KR 즐(겁고) 불 (타는)금(요일)되세요!! ......
@NEXON_KR 즐(겁고) 불 (타는)금(요일)되세요!! .....
Regular Training Schedule
Currently being held at the Educational Institute of Daoyin Research Group.
Simply join us on the following days for study.
< TU : PM 8:30 / 5F Training Room >
< WE : AM 10:30 / 4F Training Room >
< TH : PM 7:00 / 5F Training Room, 4F Training Room (Advanced) >
< SA : AM 10:30 / 3F Training Room >

Workshops are held for a set period from Authentic Five Animals Qigong instructors
Generally are 20 Wks or 15 Wks Curriculum.
The Basic Routine of the Authentic Five Animals is held. Please refer to the homepage & Facebook for notice of schedule.

Individual Training
Those who desire personalized tailored training may apply to the Authentic Five Animals Qigong instructor to receive individualized instruction.
Please contact us at the Daoyin Research Group.

Club Activities & Team Training
For people whose schedules may not permit individual training, please consider participating in the many cells groups available, or organize a team of your own and contact us at the Daoyin Research Group.

E-mail : qigong12@qigong.co.kr
Facebook : facebook.com/qigongworld