@NEXON_KR 즐(겁고) 불 (타는)금(요일)되세요!! ......
@NEXON_KR 즐(겁고) 불 (타는)금(요일)되세요!! .....
There really is no end to the study of the Authentic Huatuo Five Animals Qigong, but its learning process is divided into the following levels.

Beginner Course (Learning the Movements)
• Purpose : Become familiar with the movements of the Authentic Five Animals Qigong.
• Content : Movements are like the vessels to hold each concept, so it is very important to learn each move well for the sake of the next step.
• Period : The Basic Routine of the Authentic Five Animals Qigong requires 4 to 6 months of instruction. Some may need more time, but generally about the same.

Intermediate (Repetition & Becoming Proficient)
• Purpose : Repetition over a set time period for the movements to become thoroughly familiar to the body.
• Content : For what once seemed an endless routine to not feel so long, for the progression to become comfortable, and the details of the movements to start to come into focus.
• Period : Regularly trained will require over 6 months of time.

Advanced (Learning the Coordinated Effects of Three Body Parts)
• Purpose : Each movement is analyzed in detail, to learn the applicable Coordinated Effect of Three Body Parts for each.
• Content : Relearn the entire movement from beginning, to make checks from various angles. Able to understand the whole of the Authentic form, for each movement to gain vital force.
• Period : Learning the Coordinated Effect of Three Body Parts can take about 6 months to go over the entire process in a superficial review, but does depend on whether the trainee is able to absorb the concept of the coordinated effect. Additionally, the coordinated effect course can be revisited over a number of times for in-depth learning from a standpoint of mastery over Qi or for techniques in breathing, to completely acquire the Authentic Five Animals Qigong.

⊙ Instructor Course
Daoyin Research Group is in the process of forming an instructor course for the Authentic Five Animals Qigong. Those who want to introduce, or to instruct in, the benefits of the Huatuo, please apply here.

Daoyin Research Group : qigong12@qigong.co.kr