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The Authentic Five Animals Qigong preserves the original orthodox principles of Daoyin for Tu-Na breathing to occur naturally from the movements and circulation of Qi. And within the flow of the movements the body in its various parts are stimulated and the organs self massaged, with delicate and specific actions. This is characteristic solely to the Authentic form of the Five Animals Qigong, clearly different from the other simplified forms.

'Coordinated Effects of Three Body Parts' Strictly Applied
All movements of the Authentic Five Animals Qigong include strict application of the coordinated effects of three body parts (three body parts are arms, legs and torso), whereby it is possible to perform precisely the purported end of these movements for "the effect to correct the shape (引體)" and "the effect to harmonize Yin-yang energy (導氣)." Therefore it is possible to apply individual movements of the Authentic Five Animals Qigong according to the purposes of healing particular symptoms or partial bodily training. To undergo training for all movements of the Authentic Five Animals Qigong would obviously be very beneficial to the health of mind and body in general, but it is possible to pick out particular movements for practice according to the individual traits and objectives of the trainee.

Complete System
The Authentic Five Animals Qigong is immense in scope, and possesses very long forms among the many types of Daoyin. Such Authentic Five Animals Qigong is a means to deal with the entirety of human mind and body, and bears a complete system. Process of completing the entire movement exercise just once would effectively move every part of the body at least once for Qi to circulate through the whole body. What is more, the repetitive movements which appear identical are so structured to achieve different efficacy through delicate differentiation of techniques. Massage is designed for maximum efficiency by dividing into three parts and sequenced for application.

Movement Choreography Fitted to the Yin & Yang Principle
The individual movements comprising the totality of the Authentic Five Animals Qigong are intended, according to any number of relevant objectives, to actualize Yin & Yang. Furthermore, each movement is also choreographed, if you will, to the principle of Yin & Yang for its overall breathing technique according to a particular sequence and flow. It is not unlike the day being the repetitive Yin & Yang cycle of the sun rising and setting, and each day by day together to make one year, where each year is also an annual cycle of Yin & Yang comprised of the four seasons.
So repeat respiration of the entire cycle of the Authentic Five Animals Qigong is to complete the modest Yin & Yang cycle of my body, and at the same time, as for the whole body to undergo Yin & Yang effect through the four seasons of the entire year, carries significance in the larger scheme of things for benefiting from the harmony and ease of the Yin & Yang energy. Thereby each part of the body is strengthened surely, in the first sense, but in the greater sense the qi system of my body becomes one with the cycle of nature itself, to achieve incredible results for health of human body & mind.
So well designed training routine means to possess these qualities, so if the specific or overall scheme of Yin & Yang is not understood, it would be unwise to simplify or to omit steps of a movement.
Training in the Authentic Five Animals Qigong can result in the following effects.

Correction of the Musculoskeletal System
Joints of the entire body are moved each systematically to prevent aging of articulation, and highly effective for relaxing the tightened muscles. Joints of the four limbs and spine are corrected, with efficacy especially for arthritis and lower back pains.

Respiratory System Strengthening & Circulatory System Stimulation
Every movement from the Authentic Five Animals Qigong reinforces breathing for the whole body respiration effect to occur. Through articulation of the torso and movement of the limbs, the whole body will inhale fresh new air for the respiratory system lung function to become strong. Qi is circulated along the entire body for blood circulation to improve accordingly, and has excellent effect for excreting extravasated blood and frustrated energy from every part of the body and organs. Blood pressure and cholesterol are lowered through aerobic exercise, for improving metabolism to strengthen both the immunity and natural healing ability of the body.

Self Massaging of Internal Organs for Improved Digestion & Excretion
Each movement of the Authentic Five Animals Qigong organically connects the whole body through the 'Coordinated effect of three body pasts', then through the articulation of the limbs to synergize peristalsis of the stomach & intestine, to gain the same effect as though the organs were directly massaged. The immediate effect of Authentic Five Animals Qigong can be seen from improved digestion, to massage the small & large intestines to be able to handle digestive problems such as constipation & diarrhea. Moreover, foods which were previously difficult to digest can be overcome by effectively fine-adjusting the bodily conditions.

Strengthening of Lower Body Muscles & Sexual Stamina
The Authentic Five Animals Qigong repeats many movements of squatting and leg bending to discipline the lower body. By training from the kidneys down to the feet, improves the strength of the lower body which is the root of human body, where the movements to lower Qi and to fortify waist and kidneys will improve libido and stimulate bodily energy. For women, various types of disease can also find efficacy.

Autonomic Nervous System Balance
In the Authentic Five Animals Qigong training, the rhythm of "Yin once, then Yang once (一陽一陰)" is repeated in movements to achieve the overall Yin & Yang balance of the entire body. Adjusts the spinal and nervous system to maintain balance for alertness & homeostasis of the Qi which is the essence of vital force, to enable of constancy of mind & body.

Maintain Emotional Control & Psychological Stability
Training in the Authentic Five Animals Qigong can achieve the effects of meditation. Emotions are external manifestations of the state of internal energy through the integration of each part of the body, so that if the use of same energy pattern were to be habitually reinforced continually, then the integral bodily makeup for that energy effect will become ingrained, and thereby come to experience the same emotional state at all times. To be always angry, feel depressed, or to be discontent in all things, regardless of the present situation are such states of being. Through the Authentic Five Animlas Qigong training, if each part of the body which has become persistent are moved and made to become connected, pent up rage in the heart shall disappear, to be able to retain control over emotional imbalances of anger and depression. Once the static energy patterns inside are liberated, new ability comes about for recognizing external events or objects clearly, and for appropriate energy response to different situations.

Improvements in the Quality of Life
Lastly, training in the Authentic Five Animals Qigong has invaluable merit for spiritual cultivation as a life-long undertaking, as an example calligraphy may be. Clearly it is effective for health, and also very high in terms of spiritual satisfaction. As we all grow older, the personal training medium for interpersonal exchange and disciplined activities will certainly improve our quality of life.